President Bill Clinton & George W Bush (PSA / DNA) Both Autographs on Receipt
This unique item features the autographs of two former U.S Presidents, Bill Clinton and George W Bush, on the back of a receipt. It has been authenticated and encapsulated by Professional Sports (PSA/DNA)
Categories: Autographs, Collectables, Hollywood Memorabilia, Political Treasures, Politics, President Bill Clinton, President George W. Bush, PSA Authenticated, PSA/DNA, Rivalry
Tags: Autographs, Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton PSA, Bill Clinton Signature, Bill Clinton signed, George Bush, George Bush autograph, George Bush signed, poltical Memorbilia, poltical treasures, President, President Bill Clinton, President Bill Clinton-signature-George Bush-PSA-DNA-Autographs-poltical treasures, president george bush, President George W Bush, PSA/DNA